Nesters’ Community Hangout- A Timeout for the Finest Minds.

Every last Friday of the month, Nesters gather to chill, chat and play games at the hub. Nesters are our community members — they are Entrepreneurs, Creatives, Startup founders and Tech professionals.

A number of events characterize this hangout; card and board games, a chat about a trending beneficial subject, competitions, drinks and the best part Nesters always look forward to — the famous hangout glazed doughnut.

Nesters decide unanimously what topic they want to address during hangouts.

In the recent past, we have had hot conversations about migration, side hustles and collaboration in business. These conversations provide an avenue to listen to experienced individuals in tech and innovation space. Oftentimes, questions are raised and answers are provided by other members.

In addition, experts are invited to shed more light on some topics, depending on the complexity of the topic. In essence, our hangout is packed with fun activities. It is a great place to unwind as creators, entrepreneurs, startup founders and tech professionals.

Trust innovators to use the opportunity to meet fellow innovators — this networking opportunity has led to top tier collaborations in the space.

It is always a great timeout for the finest minds every last Friday of the month at the hub.

You should join us in the next hangout.

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