Building Beyond Ife

“Building Beyond Ife” is an event that aims to link the past with the present. An opportunity for recent graduates and current students to connect with OAU trailblazing Alumni community.

The goal of the project will be to make the startup journey for new founders of “student-based startups” a lot easier, improve student access to the alumni network of the University, create a platform for interaction with key stakeholders in the University community and create access to potential coaches, mentors and faculty members.

This event will bring together both innovators that have built amazing products/service and those currently on the path to building the next sets of global products, also key stakeholders in the university community.

It’s a date with game-changers and problem solvers. You don’t want to miss it.

Reserve your seat here:



The Nest Innovation Technology Park Ltd

Training Facility | Co-Work Spaces | Innovation Centre | Business Lounge