5 Things You Must Know Before Naming Your Brand/Company

As a founder or an entrepreneur, naming your organization/brand is an important step. This is why it is best to think things through and be intentional about it. A name lasts for a long time, it becomes your identity, we have the likes of Apple, Facebook, Coca-Cola, Nike and so on. These are organizations with names recognized globally. Here are five major things you need to put into consideration before going ahead with that name you’ve chosen.

Photo credit: Austin-kirk

1. Meaning of the name:

The first thing a founder will have to overcome is the dictionary definition of the name. Consider creating a new word that’s not in the dictionary. This will then be a name that you’ll own outright and will help you highlight what you stand for.

2. The uniqueness of the name:

You don’t want to come up with something too similar to another name. It’s a tough decision because once you choose a name; you really have to live with it. You register a domain, make business cards, more importantly; you form a mental and emotional bond. Try not to get too literal. Find a way to stand out, and then just focus on what’s important.

3. The symbol of the name:

Instead of looking at it as a mere naming ceremony, think about it as a carefully curated ambassador that conveys your brand’s position, tone and values. Your company name represents your brand identity. So, make it worth it. Go for a logo that is in sync with your name.

4. Name Adaptability:

Your brand name should be one that accommodates change. It should be memorable and flexible as it sets the tone for future branding initiatives. The brand name should be just as scalable as the service you provide. It should be able to stray outside the lines and grow beyond the original scope of its service.

5. Seek Second Opinions:

You have to let the name gestate a bit. Don’t be too hasty. Tell people a few of the names you have in mind and then see how they react. Research like crazy! If you think you have the right name, go ahead and make some of the collateral materials and see how the name looks on a fake site. Start introducing the company name and see if you like how it sounds.

A company name will feel just right and will match your aspirations and ambitions.

So Yes! A company’s name does matter. Be intentional about yours.




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